Return to Work Mental Health

Couperthwaite, L. M. Z. & Ray, C. A. (June 22 and 24, 2023). Clinical considerations when formulating RTW recommendations in a worker’s compensation system. Continuing education (CE) credit workshop presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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This worksheet is designed to be utilized following completion of a comprehensive diagnostic assessment. The purpose is to help clarify your thinking to write meaningful and actionable RTW recommendations with sufficient clinical rationale through linkages between a client's psychological symptoms (tied to the compensable condition), functional impairment/risk of symptom decompensation, and restrictions / limitations / accommodation.

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About the Authors

Dr. Couperthwaite

Dr. Colleen Ray and Dr. Lisa Couperthwaite are clinical psychologists operating private practices in the GTA. They have extensive experience building evidence-based Return to Work plans, and are passionate about Return to Work.